Monday, July 18, 2011


Hello and Welcome to my new blog "I heart everything vintage." It is true, I love everything vintage. I love vintage clothes, decor, and cars. I guess it might all stem from the hand me down clothes I got as a kid which progressed to thrift store shopping as a teenager to find that perfect dress that was different from what everyone else is wearing. Now, I am in a band and I love to wear vintage clothes to gigs. My band sounds kinda like June Carter and Johnny Cash meets old school punk. I also just bought a house which is a 50's ranch. It's got a fun pink and green 1960's basement and a pink and black tile bathroom that I have no intention of changing. I love using vintage and vintage inspired pieces to decorate because it is a cheap way to decorate and you will find things no one else has.  Right now I am getting ready to release a CD with the and band and looking for the perfect CD release dress. I also am painting my bedroom and on the quest for the perfect wall color!